September 10, 2007

Serves me right for forgetting my password.

It's been a long time, I know. I very much doubt that you have missed me. I didn't really write about much but that will change. Not sure how'll have to bear with me.

So what has happened since my last post......well in a nutshell....

- I had my heart broken yesterday, it's a long story, I may well post it as it might help straighten a few things out in my head.

- I fly out to LA again on Sunday.

- I've managed to watch lots of pre-air telly, The Bionic Woman, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Chuck and Life to name but a few. Reviews of them will appear ...... when I get round to writing them.

- I still dislike my job

- I've changed the colour of the blog as black is a little too depressing.....and I don't need any help in being depressed...ta very muchly.

- I still haven't fixed the clutch/gearbox on my car. That is because I am a lazy arse.

- I've started going to more live football matches.

- I lost my cinema card. I was very upset but I have a new one now.

That's all I can muster for now..........


Kev Brown said...

Which live football matches.....Hull City?

Dave W said...

welome back!